We have many testimonials from our lovely clients.  Here's a few of what  they have said.

" Had a lovely relaxing session with Dawn this afternoon. 1st experience with PLR and was not sure what to expect. Felt deeply relaxed and safe throughout. Was aware of everything. Felt totally refreshed, lighter and content after the session with some answers to why I have been feeling what I have been feeling. Would recommend it to anyone. thank you, Dawn,”.
- Janet S

"Had VR therapy with Dawn yesterday and already I am starting to feel much more relaxed than before I had this treatment. I would recommend this to anybody suffering from stress at this time”. - Geraldine RA

"Excellent past life regression, felt comfortable and relaxed at all times. Thank you, Dawn,”.
- Alyson B

"I met with Dawn for past life regression to see if my dreams were my past lives. During the session under hypnosis, I was very relaxed but fully aware of everything. I did get a lot of information which answered a lot of my questions and things that I need to do. I would highly  ecommend Dawn." - Dawn L

"I have been attending Dawn's Yoga sessions followed by Meditation sessions on a Thursday. I would recommend both these sessions, which are such great value for both. Great for some 'you' time and Dawn is so lovely and very knowledgeable. I've also had a couple of hypnotherapy sessions with Dawn, she has such a nice manner and makes you feel comfortable and follows up with a call to check all ok. Even just talking to her helps, she has your best interest at heart. xx"

"Had a past life regression session with Dawn last week and I couldn't recommend her more. She made me feel so at ease and explained things really clearly. She has a lovely friendly manner and seems very knowledgeable within her field of work. Highly recommend."- Al G

" Can highly recommend Dawn for Clinical Hypnosis. Her wealth of experience certainly comes through, and she fully understands your problems"- Janet M

"I have had past life regression with Dawn, and it was amazing. Very professional and lovely to work with, so lovely that I contacted Dawn again about some hypnotherapy for my anxiety as I was due to go into hospital. She booked me straight in and worked with me. What a difference it made. What a lovely lady and how nice it was of her to give her time up at such short notice. Thank you, Dawn, for making such a difference." - Bev J

"I had my first past life regression today with Dawn and OMG its an experience I will never ever forget! I felt at ease straight away and dawn told me every single detail of what was about to happen before we started. the evidence what was brought forward and when we looked it up afterwards was insane!! Thank you so much! I will deffo be back for other things you offer xxxxxx" - Chantelle M

"Can highly recommend Dawn for Clinical Hypnosis. Her wealth of experience certainly comes through, and she fully understands your problems. She puts you at ease instantly - you go in a stranger but come out as a friend. She has this aura surrounding her that is instantly calming. She has certainly performed a miracle on me in just two sessions and for this I am eternal grateful. Sometimes people are meant to come into your life for a reason and Dawn is one of these. I cannot thank her enough. Anyone needing hypnosis for any reason I cannot recommend Dawn enough she is a miracle worker."
- Janet M

"Earlier in the year Dawn helped me overcome my fear of needles and medical interventions which were causing me a great deal of anxiety.
I had already tried conventional therapies but found they only applied to my logical mind, and I still couldn’t get past the thoughts associated with my fears. 2 sessions with Dawn made the impossible possible." -
Josie B

"I had never had PLR before I went to Dawn.
What a lovely lady, she put me totally at ease - great energy.
What I experienced was amazing. The connections made, linking people in those lives to who they are/have been in this life.
I felt so happy to see certain energies again, so happy.
There were some very poignant moments that explained certain childhood obsessions, accompanied by a deeper understanding of myself, a healing, which is what we are all looking for.
Thank you, Dawn."
- Rachel V

" Just wanting to say massive thank you for the Mediation Accredited Course you ran on Thursday. Your knowledge and experience in this field is inspiring and heart centred.
I am looking forward to taking your teachings for my personal daily routine of connecting to the universe’s life force energies for grounding healing and positive affirmations. I would 100% recommend anyone to do sessions or courses with Dawn. blessings "
- Sharon H

"I've attended several yoga and meditation sessions with Dawn, and she's left me feeling relaxed and content each time. I've also had hypnotherapy for the first time with her, she helped me immensely she's caring, sensitive, and calming she even gave me a follow up call to make sure I was okay. I highly recommend her services."
- Brenda W