Smoking Cessation:

This is a one-off hypnotherapy treatment that is very effective for those passionate about wanting to kick the habit due to health risks or family concerns. Please, note that the person Needs to want to give up smoking in the first place, so you cannot be nominated to do so by someone else.

Smoking Cessation

Stress and Anxiety:

This can be treated over a few sessions via both hypnosis and Virtual Reality, using methods like the Jacobson Relaxation technique and mindfulness. It is particularly effective for those who wish to achieve a stronger state of mental peace or tranquillity.

Teen Anxiety

Virtual Reality Therapy:

If you are struggling with stress and anxiety at this difficult time, you may be interested in a new therapy that I am now able to offer. Virtual Reality Therapy is an immersive therapy that has amazing results in a limited number of sessions.  At the moment you are able to receive this treatment from the comfort of your own home, providing that you have an Android or Apple phone.  Please, take the time to read my most recent reviews for this treatment. If the return to work is causing you to feel anxious, both weekend and evening appointments are available. Send me a message now if you think that VR therapy is for you.

Positive Thinking/Confidence:

Hypnosis can be used successfully for those struggling to see the positives in their lives by
strengthening both self-love and care. This usually takes two or three sessions and is
followed up by the client using positive affirmations and self-hypnosis.

Inner Child:

This is a series of six hypnotherapy sessions which include some exercises for you to do
which allow you to accept the mistakes of childhood, even if they were not of your own
making and enable you to move on with your life leaving the past where it belongs.

The Amazing Hypnoslimmer Experience:

This is not a diet.  Hypnoslimmer provides you with a simple set of rules that you must
always stick to in order to achieve your perfect size and shape, along with support to stick to
those rules. No calorie counting, no ‘sins’, no long-term subscriptions or meetings.
The program itself consists of five sessions, the first just for measurements to be taken
followed by four more sessions of hypnosis. The hypnosis, as with all of Dawn’s treatments,
is bespoke to you with the opportunity to adapt packages with additional sessions, should you require them. The course comes with a workbook pack, containing information to help you, a place to record your measurements and progress and a hypnosis MP3 that can be used daily throughout your treatment.

Fears and phobias:

These again can be beaten using hypnotherapy or VR therapy or a combination of the two.
This is particularly successful for things like needle phobia, fear of flying and debilitating fear of animals.

Stage Fright


Sometimes we find that there are issues that reoccur within our present lives which are
caused by things that have happened in our past. This type of hypnotherapy enables you to
go back in time and watch things as they play out in your mind. Regression provides us with
a means to safely address those events and bring an end to recurrence in the present or the future.

Past life regression


This method allows the mother to form a relationship with her baby before delivery, to
make it a more relaxed and comfortable experience for both when the day of delivery
arrives. This is usually carried out as a program and is proven to be very effective.

Hypnobirthing Client Video

Mindset for Growth Program:

Mindset is how wwe see situations and other people.  It is the root cause in everything we do.

Mindset for Growth Video

There are many other treatments that are offered such as the management of:

* Type 2 diabetes
* Autoimmune Disease
* Tourette’s
* Depression
* Sugar addiction

Blood Pressure Client Video


* Sales performance
* Sleep quality and benefits
* Success for Exams
* Sports Performance


All treatments* come with a free 30 minute consultation via Zoom

* except regression

Hypnosis/VR Treatments 

(Prices vary between £40 - £150 per session
or £120 - £300 Per Program of treatments)